Morning rant (language)

Im gonna start with i love my boyfriend, i think he is a great guy and a hard worker. We live with his aunt and uncle and have for the entirety of our relationship which just hit 4yrs. Im not employed at the moment so im content to help out around the house. The problem is i am the only one who cleans and if i dont cook, no one else does either. They dont rinse out their dishes and EVERY FUCKING DAY i have to change trash bags becuase im guessing they dont know how to do it. They dont even throw away paper towels they use. Just leaves them on the counter. I am trying to get a job but thats damn near impossible when i have to share a car with his uncle and aunt cause they ruined 2 vehicles already which they wont even get rid of! Add in their moocher daughter and her pregnant again daughter and its hell for me. Those two will use every dish and pan and just leave it on the counter or worst on the hot stove until its painful to clean. The pregnant one just had a kid less than 5 months ago and this is her 2nd. She doesnt have a job and like her mother just wants to live off of family. I get the whole family thing but this is ridiculous! I was raised where you clean up after yourself at other peoples homes and im sick of feeling like a damn maid to a family that makes jabs at me being a yankee constantly. I get it, im born from the north and live in the south but the drastic differance in behavior has me trying not to scream and yank out my hair. I spend most of the day cleaning up after the 3 dogs they have but dont care for and what free time i get, i spend cleaning up after the boyfriend. Some days im lucky and i get an hour or two with my dog after boyfriend gets home from work. I love him but hes not looking for a place for us and im going to be 29 soon and all i want is a quiet place with the man i love and my furbabies. Maybe im over reacting but i highly doubt it. His aunt doesnt even want my kin at the house for fear they will see how bad it is. I dont know what to do but i cant talk to him cause he gets pissy alot when i even try to bring it up. And dont get me started on the shitty internet in the house. Everyone and their lover has the damn wifi password

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